Care for Three Inspires Strangers
One Landmark graduate is pioneering a project to deliver inspiring messages to strangers.
One Landmark graduate is pioneering a project to deliver inspiring messages to strangers.
One woman is going all out to get her mother a new kidney, and she's doing the same to save others like her.
The executive director of Amnesty International Kenya shares about himself and how The Landmark Forum made a huge difference in dealing with the fallout of violence against his family.
Warm, high quality coats are going out to the homeless of Laurel, Maryland, as a result of the project Mike Mondy created in the Landmark Self-Expression and Leadership Program.
Paws for a Cause has made an unexpected difference - for pets, artists, and the project creator himself.
The Landmark Forum was a key piece of one man's journey from human trafficking survivor to a thriving human being making a difference for others.
As his project in Landmark's Self-Expression and Leadership Program, Kohei Iguchi held three free workshops to introduce people to a variety of herbal teas.
After doing The Landmark Forum, Morris Chubb went from someone who felt too timid to make a difference to someone running a $1.5 million nonprofit delivering showers and laundry services to the homeless.
CNN has recognized Blake Rockwell, who created a project in the Self-Expression and Leadership Program to allow sick children VIP access to high profile sporting events.
The Green Wheels project is boldly causing bicycle commuting in the heart of India.
Two reporters from an Irish men's magazine participate in The Landmark Forum and review the course.
A Leading London lifestyle publication has a reporter take part in and review The Landmark Forum.
Noted fashion blogger Lara Eurdolian reviews The Landmark Forum.
Nick Johnson and his Pelican Post project, which delivers books to schools in African and which was founded in the Landmark SELP, has been nominated for a "digital heroes" award.
Makarand Purohit's project that he created in the SELP (a Landmark Education program) was an enormous family reunion.
Community organizer and Lutheran pastor Susan Schoon organized a new, 69-foot mural on a bike path in Shoreview, Minnesota, out of her participation in Landmark Education’s Self-Expression and Leadership Program. […]