On July 16th, Houston area newspaper The Leader ran a story about Robin Craig’s project to help her fellow widows. The project, which she came up with in Landmark Education’s self expression and leadership program, recognizes and acknowledges widows and encourages others to do the same. The project, which led to Mayor Bill White declaring a "Help a Widow Day", was also feature on Fox Morning News television in Houston. Here are the details.
N’west Houston woman helps her fellow widows
Asks residents to take part in July 22 "Help a Widow Day’
Northwest Houston resident Robin Craig became widowed August 22, 2005. Shortly thereafter, she experienced an intense feeling that somehow she was supposed to help her fellow widows.
As part of a Self Expression and Leadership class she has been taking at Landmark Education, Craig was required to create a project about which she was passionate.
The result? Project Widows was born.
“Project Widows was designed to support, encourage and empower widows to create a great life despite the adversity widowhood elicits,” said Craig “It is also to help others who want to reach out to widows but are uncertain as to what that should entail.”
Mayor Bill White has proclaimed July 22 as “Help a Widow Day” in Houston, offering local residents the opportunity to do something nice for widows in their community.
“Widows typically have difficulty asking for assistance, and it would be great if we all recognized at least one widow on July 22 without being asked,” Craig said.
“Any act of kindness of acknowledgment is acceptable. You could mow a widow’s grass, cut a tree branch, bake cookies, carry out the trash, repair a minor plumbing leak, or simply mail a card offering words of encouragement. The possibilities are endless,” she said.
Craig has received sponsorship support in the form of donated items from Home Depot, Kroger, Mr. Carwash, The St. Regis Hotel and others.
Craig will have a presentation party to present the items to widows Saturday morning, July 25, at The St. Regis Hotel in River Oaks.
Widows and those donating are invited to the party, but must RSVP.
“Widows are born every day and it’s time that we address the issue, and learn to feel comfortable discussing the topic,” Craig said.
“It’s nice for our beloved spouses to be remembered, and I’m hoping to alter our perception of widows. We are a strong group of women who have been forced to tap into abilities we didn’t know existed prior to losing our husbands, and even the tiniest bit of recognition is appreciated beyond words,” she said.
Anyone interested in donating or participating in the presentation party is required to RSVP Craig via e-mail at [email protected].