Landmark Education Celebrates 20th Anniversary

In 2011, Landmark Education is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a company. According to Landmark Education, over the last 20 years over 1.3 million people have taken part in the Landmark Forum, its flagship course, and more than 100,000 community projects have been created out of people taking part in Landmark Education’s Self-Expression and Leadership Program.

In addition to its core programs, Landmark Education notes that its services have also been offered to companies that range from small businesses to small businesses to Fortune 500 companies such as Apple Computer, JP Morgan Chase, Lockheed Martin Corporation, as well as Reebok International; as well as the U.S. Dept. of the Navy, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, and NASA. Landmark notes that the company is 100% owned by its over 475 employees.

In celebrating the anniversary, Landmark points to the words of MarketData Enterprises in its sweeping report of the personal development industry, which said “Many top experts in the personal development and coaching industries got their start by participating in Landmark’s programs. Landmark is recognized for having one of the best faculty bodies in the business.” Time Magazine also recently described Landmark as “first stop in any transformation tour”.

In a press release about the anniversary, it’s also noted that Landmark has undertaken a complete redesign and updating of all aspects of its company.

According to Landmark CEO Harry Rosenberg, “We have been engaged in a major redesign of our programs and our company. While the commitment of the company has always been to provide real and lasting value, we are focused on providing our customers with what makes the most difference in what they are dealing with and what they really care about, as well as an extraordinary customer experience.”

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A.M. Noel says:

Thanks to landmark Education’s programs for the first time in human history .We do have the opportunity to start using parts of the human brain.Previous generations were not able and took it form Womb to Tomb.

Alexandra Copson says:

Happy 20th Birthday Land Mark.

Jay She says:

Thank you Landmark for offering the Forum. It has transformed my life. I’m no longer the unconfident and people-fearing person I used to be. Thanks too to David Uere, the forum Leader for leading the course so unreasonably and powerfully.

I’m forever indebted to the Landmark Forum.

Congratulations! Your staying power speaks volumes about the courses you offered.

Rgds always, Jay She.

Only 20? Still a young conversation the world of growth and development. Please continue to empower the world to be self expressed, free and responsible in adulthood, so we can nurture our children, and reflect, with the wisdom of old age, on your contribution and the difference you have made in the world. Happy Happy Birthday from a Happy Grateful Graduate.

keerthi says:

hey!! congrats.. landmark has given me the greatest of the break throughs in the life!! proud to be a landmark graduate.

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