V Dream, a project started by Mr. Rahul Goswami, encourages parents and children to start having conversations with each other about their careers. ‘V dream’ helps the students focus and prepare for their future. This also helps build specific goals in terms of career and finances.
Mr. Goswami observed that navigating career options can be a challenging process for youngsters, particularly today as there are many different pathways leading to a variety of career outcomes. Both parents and students have goals and expectations, and the difference in opinion about career paths can create disharmony in the family.
In his own life, Mr. Goswami lost alignment with his father whilst discussing the career and future expectations. It took them a lot of time and resources to gain a common vision. So during the Landmark Self-Expression and Leadership Program, Rahul started this project, to enable children to research career options and have healthy discussions with their parents.
Although the project has completed two months, this team has aligned 75 dreams till date. Various school going kids, college students, their parents came together and engage in discussion with talent grooming institutions such as Disha, Jagriti, MK Films, R.K Films, Zorba Dance Academy and the ‘V dream’ team. They also have faced various challenges whilst trying to eliminate fears in the minds of children and help them open up with the counselors about their dreams.
Rahul gives a lot of credit to Landmark’s programs and The Landmark Forum: “I was a champion and the CEO of my organization. Landmark has helped me become a community player. Now I can see myself contributing in communities and having discussions with people about making a difference. I am a cause and not just a person of power. I can see a transformation happening within and around me.”
Education plays the most important role in the life of a person. Becoming aware of all the options and choosing correctly can pay off later.I too have a daughter who was struggling with her choices but after analyzing correctly she finally made the right choice and he is doing quite well and it makes me feel very proud. But not everyone gets all the right information at the right time so it is essential to let your children attend such programs and open their minds. It isn’t always necessary to choose a career because it pays well. What actually matters is being good at your job. The best part in the later life is “you will never be complaining about the job”because you will love it. I hope parents in India, adapt these thoughts and people like Rahul keep carrying out such amazing programs.
What a brilliant idea to avoid children from dropping out and making such huge career mistakes. I am highly inspired by this initiative and want to start such a program on my own. I have 3 children and understand the trouble we go through to figure the various options available for young kids. I hope many people come across these programs and refrain from making life mistakes. Good work ‘V Dream’ team.
The landmark forum was my favorite course and the best time I had with my friends. We learned a lot and got many distinctions. I was specially worried about my career and wanted to make a fair decisions for myself. I was actually studying law but loved all things fashion and honestly I was good at it. I entered many competitions and always styled myself very well to win so many of them. During the forum I talked about my life and how it has now come to a very weird and awkward stage where in I cant figure what do take up as a career. My parents thankfully are very helpful and liberal but after all I had to make the decision for myself. Honestly, during the forum I only sorted things out with my cousin (whom I stopped talking to for a few years due to a silly misunderstanding) and later did the landmark forum in action. It was during the advance course that I seriously focused on my career issues. As I talked to my coach he asked me why I started with law in the first place and I remembered how passionate I was about becoming an advocate. I knew somewhere that fashion was a hobby but law was always my goal for a successful career. I decided to keep styling as a hobby and concentrate on becoming a righteous lawyer. Soon I also did the landmark forum self expression and leadership program which helped me become more confident and expressive in life. Overall landmark was a great experience and I recommend it to many people who also have enjoyed the course a lot.
This project was a success and both my kids attended this session. They have participated in the landmark forum for children. This program has taught them to be patient and to be confident enough to follow their dreams. My daughter now wants to move to a bigger school away from home and stay in the hostel. This career counseling as well as the forum has made them better personalities and stronger human beings. I am amazed by how well and fast this works. My wife is very proud of their decisions and we will be supportive throughout.This social project was open for non landmark participants as well and I saw many old as well as young students take advantage of this opportunity to talk to counselors and clear their doubts. Studies, education, career are topics we all take very seriously in life and hence it increases the pressure on these children. I feel that being sure about what ones future looks like is a relief and it’s also motivating.
Looking forward to many such successful projects, thank you Mr. Goswami.