Zimbabwe Senior Nurses Honored

zimbabwe nursesChristina King’s project in the Landmark Education SELP program was a gala event to honor senior nurses in the country of Zimbabwe, who she says stepped in to save a crumbling health care system. 300 of the senior nurses came out of retirement, according to the story from New Zimbabwe, one of the press sources that covered the event held on December 17.

King teamed with her sister to make the event happen, raising funds to make the event happen. The Zimbabwe health minister, Henry Madzorera, who officiated the event, gave them a list of senior nurses, and they arranged for transportation, lodging and a gift worth US $20 for each of the nurses.

King describes the nurses as uncomplaining, never missing a day, working for barely enough money to get by, and making a huge difference.

In New Zimbabwe, King said “We can’t give them a pay rise, but we can thank them. Our senior nurses have been a true example of ultimate service to the people. They have been a linchpin to Zimbabwe’s public health system, continuing in their jobs of caring for the sick at a time when most of us would have chosen to give up.”

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1 comment

Princess Zindaba Nyirenda says:

This story has moved and touched me. Senior nurses honored…Thank You Christina King for honoring great service…unsung heros who would otherswise go unnoticed, considering thay have the best excuses to not get involved at all…they gave it up and gave of themselves anyway, they cared enough to get off it and give…wow! I wish we all would be like this…Thanks. Great article.

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