Making Organ Donation Option Available on Drivers Licenses in India

Living Beyond Life is a project created by  Priyanka Shylendra in Landmark Education’s Self-Expression and Leadership Program. Her idea was to have the option of organ donation available on driving license cards in India. In working on the project, Shylendra came in contact with Gift Your Organ Foundation, a non-profit group that is now completely behind the campaign. In conjunction with the organization, Shylendra created a three-day awareness campaign with media attention and in conjunction with International Organ Donation Day.

Shylendra now has the attention of transport commissioners, a local governor and other officials, who are working out the logistics and legislation to implement the program in the state of Karnataka, which will then serve as a model to be implemented in the whole country. Read the full story at Bangalore’s Citizen Matters.

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Luksa Obradovic says:

Thank You For sharing and I'm very glad to join You 1 Thank You!

kunal kabra says:

Hi, i am a part of a small group of students named “Lakshya”. We have done many charity events and 1 of them was an eye donation camp at the Forum mall, Kormangala, Bangalore on 15th may 2011, where in a single day we had 514 people pledge their eyes. i loved your idea and want my to be a part of it. Can you suggest something relating to this but for those who already have a licence. Also a drive kind of thing where new licencee applicants can apply and get there licence quicker and hassle free. do contact me.

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