Bikes and Fashion Mix in Sacramento Show

The Sacramento Press brings word of a unique sort of fashion show that took place in that city, one which featured vintage clothing attired local models cruising down the runway on color-coordinated bicycles. Dubbed ‘Velo and Vintage’, the event was conceived by Lorena Beightler while taking part in Landmark Education’s SELP program, and took place on Saturday, May 8 at a local restaurant, Hot Italian.

The show gathered the support of a number of bicycle shops and clothing stores which promoted the event and supported it with merchandise. According to Beightler, the event started with the bike.

“We’re promoting biking, community, living your life with the bike as a mode of transport,” she said. “Not as a toy, not as an exercise tool, but as how you get around.”

Beightler also mentions that the show has a ‘green’ theme, promoting sustainability, in that biking doesn’t use fossil fuels and vintage clothing is inherently green in that it promotes something being reused.

Beightler also got local blogger and consultant Kari Shipman to come aboard and help make the event a reality. In bringing the local clothing store owner and bike shop on board, Shipman brought different local communities together, a key goal of the event and the project.

“The cause is celebrating Midtown, these communities and cultures in Midtown,” said Beightler.

Visit the Sacramento Press to read the entire story.

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Andrew L. Freedman says:

What a unique and wonderful idea.  I can't imagine how the idea came about, but it's something that is so fantastic that I have a feeling others will think of community events that combine two normally separate or singular events.  Here in Palo Alto, CA, we have an annual Chili Cook-off – I wonder if there might possibly be a "side dish" to this event.  Lorena, you have certainly spread some good energy.  Congratulations!
Andy Freedman

Killey2x says:

There’s another biking event set for this saturday. We’d like to invite everyone to bring their friends and family for a fun bike ride on Sept. 18.

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