BagUps Nominated for Veterans Entrepreneur Award

Landmark Forum graduate Jack Licata took powerful action in Landmark’s Breakthrough Seminar – taking his innovation to the next level. Licata, a veteran, has invented Bag Ups, a trash bag dispensing system which dispenses and perforates garbage bags without a person ever having to put their hands in the can. The bags are Biodegradable and everything is packed and assembled by veterans and people with disabilities. Licata entered BagUps in the Streetshares Foundation Great American Military Entrepreneur Challenge, which offers grants to veteran entrepreneurs. Licata has been selected as the top 32 veterans in the USA. You can vote in the challenge here (Vote Jack Licata Fast Bags Corp) and find out more below.

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Jim Palumbo says:

tenacious and driven to succeed in his business

Jo Anne Davidian says:

Good for you. Thank you for making a difference

DeAnna Coleman says:

I love BagUps. It meets all of my needs and passions. It’s biodegradable, provides employment for the disabled, and makes less dirty work for this Mama 🙂

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