Phyllis Allen, Instrumental to Landmark’s Family Division Programs, Passes

We at Landmark News would like pass along a personal message from Dr. Nancy Zapolski, Executive accountable for Landmark’s leaders worldwide, to Graduates of Landmark and the est Training, regarding the passing of Phyllis Allen:

Phyllis Allen, our dear friend, colleague, partner in causing transformation, and Landmark Forum Leader Emeritus died on July 7th.

Phyllis was one of the people there at the beginning when the est training began in 1971, and she was also one of the founding Staff Members and Forum Leaders when Landmark was formed in 1991.

Many of you knew Phyllis and the enormous contribution she made to the work of transformation, particularly in the lives of the tens of thousands of young people and teens who she specialized in serving.  Phyllis was directly responsible for the creation of the Young Person and Teen Landmark Forums, the programs of the Family Division, and also trained the people who led those programs.

Phyllis was the embodiment of the George Bernard Shaw quote:

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.”

Her life and her example will continue to make a difference in our lives and the lives of all the people that she touched.

Along with her husband, Fred, her children, April and Bruce, and all her family and friends, we here at Landmark celebrate Phyllis Allen!

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Paul Robinson says:

So sorry to hear this news.

Paul Robinson says:

So sorry to hear this news.

Saddened by this news. The world has lost a wonderful lady and an exemplary human being.

Sorry to hear the news. Her legacy will serve others. May the soul rest in peace. Amen .

Molly Byock says:

I assisted at many Young Person’s Trainings (est) and was delighted by Phyllis’ manner of relating with the children. I incorporated many of her gems into my teaching. She truly made a big difference in my life.

LF for Teens and YP creation was the vision of every graduate, wanting this info as children so as not to get so stuck. What a gift was Phyllis Allen. I am filled with gratitude that she lived and was used up. Thank you for sharing.

The thousands or us whom you have trained dearly hold you in our memories. Thank you, our Teacher.

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