New Websites About Landmark Forum Published in French

Several new French language websites have been created in Quebec Canada.  These are useful resources for people who would like to learn about the Landmark Forum in French.


The Landmark Forum has locations in more than 100 cities around the world.  To date, upwards of 2.4 million people have benefited from Landmark’s programs.

We want visitors to learn more about how they can bring about a positive and permanent shift in their lives.  We also want everyone who is interested to learn more about how the Landmark Forum works and why 94% of surveyed participants reported that the Landmark Forum made a profound and lasting difference in their lives.


This is why we offer a range of informational sources for visitors. If you would like to learn more about the Landmark Forum, you can view this online introduction.


There are also other informational opportunities for those interested in gaining more information about the programs, including the Landmark Forum website and Landmark Forum Review.

Resources have also been created specifically for French-speaking individuals.   French-speaking individuals can feel free to visit the C’est quoi Landmark Forum? website, as well as a new website just launched found here.

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1 comment

yes i know , Resources have also been created specifically for French-speaking individuals

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