As his project in Landmark’s Self-Expression and Leadership Program, Marc Guevremont created a video titled ‘Connection’, wherein strangers be with each other and look in each other’s eyes for a minute. The video has gone viral, capturing more than 326,000 views and engendering a French Canadia Huffington Post article about the phenomenon. Watch the video below:
‘Connection’ Goes Viral
- Landmark News Editorial Staff
- March 25, 2015
Love it…
I commend everyone to do this with their loved ones tonight – you will discover something extraordinary….
I'm so glad Marc chose this as his SELP project. This was my favorite part of the Advanced Course. It is so very powerful.
I reviewed the Advanced Course 18 months ago, this 'being with' exercise is one of the most powerful actions you can take with anyone in your life. My wife gets to lead this exercise every weekend she leads the AC and she gets to see human being get human being each and every time.
I reviewed the Advanced Course 18 months ago, this 'being with' exercise is one of the most powerful actions you can take with anyone in your life. My wife gets to lead this exercise every weekend she leads the AC and she gets to see human being get human being each and every time.
That's pretty cool I did that in acting class
Tears came to my eyes watchinh this because I remember the excercise from the advanced course. I remember the feeling of love and connectedness with other human beings. It was beautiful
This is awesome… this exercise was one of the most powerful experiences of my life…
I remember this exercise in first leadership weekend.. It was the moment I started real connection to others. Thank you for that posting
Very remarkable exercise wow
Being a Introduction Leader in Landmark before there is nothing like connecting with human beings. The Self Expression Leadership Program is my favorite
Being a Introduction Leader in Landmark before there is nothing like connecting with human beings. The Self Expression Leadership Program is my favorite
This “being with” exercise I did in the advanced course is so powerful! The human connections I made will last a lifetime, whether we ever see each other again or not. It made me see thar deeper connections are possible, and real if we just look into it.
This "being with" exercise I did in the advanced course is so powerful! The human connections I made will last a lifetime, whether we ever see each other again or not. It made me see thadeeper connections are possible, and real if we just look into it.
Landmark changed my life. An amazing experience.
I see you Campbell Masters 🙂
I see you Campbell Masters 🙂
Rick Erel I see you Rick Erel, hahaha
How awesome! Great to be reminded about it!
I love the joy an the connection people experience;, I did the exercise 2 years ago during the ILP course, awesome and powerful stuff! loved it! thanks Landmark!
I love the joy and connection people experience ; I did the exercise 2 years ago during my ILP class, awesome and powerful stuff. Thanks Landmark Education ! Life changing experience!! : )
This was such a powerful exercise that I broke through standing in front of the large group of people and being completely present while sharing! POWERFUL!!
I love this, just finished the Advanced Course last month… So powerful!
Great reminder to connect. Have done Landmark since 1986. It has given me many tools.
I assisted many times in the advanced class.
That exercise always effected me in the most profound way. Many a times I imagined all the leaders in the United nation, congress, soldiers in mid battle, dropping their arms to their sides and then….just stare into each other's eyes and say nothing.
Some will laugh, some will cry, others will remain stoic.
Perhaps they won't see race, gender, or age.
Perhaps they will see another human being looking back.
From that clearing all things are possible.
Tears came to my eyes – I was brought back to the advanced course watching this video. How powerful this is… I’m glad I watched this. It reminds me how distant I am from the people around me. Watching this today reminds me to be present with every human being again… I may not ‘be with’ everyone for one minute straight, but I can still ‘be with’ them for the moments that do exist as fleeting as they may be.
You know that exercise for me was very absurd, probably because I am from Latin America and we touch and hug each other, we hold hands. But that fucking shit here in the United States is sexual harassment. I didn't feel any connection when I did it, for me was very sad that was considered a "connection". If you watch the video is totally awkward. Imagine if you hold each others hands… no way!
9 years ago I participated in the Landmark Forum and the Advance Course. During The Being With Exercise – I could hear something, like sound waves. It seemed like every person's energy was somehow perfectly synched. I haven't had that experience since, but at the time it was aural and physical, and an amazing phenomenon.
Powerful and moving to watch this being with exercise. One of the most amazing things to do. I’m a Landmark graduate too.
The most amazing part of the Advanced Course.
I’m a graduate of Atlanta It’s powerful to do the necessary inner and outer work with each other and witness the transformation. People are starving to be heard and understood. Landmark helps others to peel the layers of “the onion” with no shame attached. Let go of ego ❤️ Don’t give up, keep practicing, and do your homework. It will change you and everyone going forward. Compassion and love is at the core. No regrets.