Breakthrough Foreign Relations Project Created by Landmark Education Graduate Arnold Keiser, President of the
The OIC Foreign Relations Breakthrough Project was created in late 2006 and it’s intention is to end some of the 21st century’s pervasive problems such as conflicts in the Middle East, global terrorism, WMD proliferation, genocide and human rights abuse.
There has never been a time in history before when new solutions to international challenges were needed more. There has also never been a time in history when officials needed the support of the public more. The new challenges of the 21st century demand greater public responsibility for the direction of world events.
OIC member activists some of whom who are Landmark graduates are developing breakthrough solutions through collaboration with officials in the US foreign policymaking community, with foreign government officials and at the United Nations. They also collaborate with experts in the human potential field, the counseling professions, the conflict resolution community, peace organizations and within academia.
Some OIC volunteer project consultants hold degrees in international relations and conflict resolution while others have developed their foreign relations and conflict resolution knowledge through researching attitudes and opinions within the diplomatic community at the United Nations. OIC is a member organization of the Alliance for Peace Building and the Alliance Iran Working Group. For more information on the OIC and its projects you can visit their website at
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