Landmark Launches Direct Access

Landmark Education has announced the launch of Direct Access: Creating and Living a Future You Really Want. Coming this fall, Landmark's newest program features cutting-edge multimedia, the last innovations in neuroscience, and a brisk two-day format.

Categories: Health/Medicine

Lawyers as Peacemakers

J. Kim Wright is a leader in cutting-edge, problem-solving family law - her book talks of what's possible - Wright's vision was supported by Landmark Education's Power and Contribution Course.

Categories: Family, Law

Mural Revamps Bike Path

Community organizer and Lutheran pastor Susan Schoon organized a new, 69-foot mural on a bike path in Shoreview, Minnesota, out of her participation in Landmark Education’s Self-Expression and Leadership Program. […]

CCI Going Strong After 13 Years

This story discusses the latest achievements of Causes for Change International, a charity created by Chicago Businesswoman Zully Alvarado out of her participation in Landmark Education's Self-Expression and Leadership Program.

Categories: Chicago, children, Ecuador

Artist Pays Debts, Makes Murals

The Gazette newspaper of Colorado Springs tells the story of artist Douglas Rouse, who had racked up $80,000 in debt. Rouse says that when he did the Landmark Forum last year, he understood what integrity and accountability were for the…

Categories: Arts/Entertainment, Denver