Landmark Forum Graduate Ted Talk: “The Dream We Haven’t Dared to Dream”

Landmark Graduate Dan Palotta recently presented a TED Talk titled “The Dream We Haven’t Dared to Dream”. A lifelong entrepreneur who has created a number of social enterprises, he uses his talk to illustrate the profound impact that people who have dreamed the unimaginable have had. Palotta’s talk challenges viewers to dream big dreams and reach across the divides that separate us in the modern world – and embrace our own and others humanity.

This is Dan’s second Ted Talk.  His previous one can be seen here.

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Dinesh Jetwani says:

Thanks for the educational blog, i hope this will help the students.
Keep up the good work.

Shelley Grimm says:

Facing challenges was my childhood fear. I was the only daughter in my family and hence was always taken care of. In my teens, my teachers called me a spoilt brat and yes, I was much pampered. But as I stepped out in the world for a job and moving out, I faced several difficulties because I was not used to doing things on my own! I was a loner for several months at work and hated everything about myself. I lost my self-confidence and started talking to my therapist about this. One day my mum took me to the Landmark Forum and that was probably the best day of my life! Things got better form that very day. I always blamed my family, who raised me like that, but Landmark taught me how wrong I was! I saw changes in my personal behavior after that weekend. All my sorrows came to an end as I learnt to be responsible! I accepted the fact that I will be taking care of myself. Landmark forum empowers people and provides them with a vision that enhances their lives. My family is so proud of me now, as I have a full-time job and really great dog-walking friends. It’s been just 6 months now and I am all put together! Landmark is where you can surrender yourself and walk out as a grown up individual with confidence, enthusiasm and understanding!

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